Scott Sandage is an Assistant Professor
at a private university in America. I am lucky to know
him personally. If you ever have the chance to meet
with Scott Sandage, then do so. You will learn a lot
from him. Not just about his field of study (which is
American cultural history), but also about life and
shit like that.
Anyway, Scott Sandage is currently finishing up
a book on the history of failure in
America. I won't reveal his basic thesis. Buy the book
and find out. It will be out later this year. Anyway,
I would like to share you with some wisdom that Scott
shared with me. He said that "One day you will have
the best summer of your life." Actually, he didn't
really say that exactly. But I read between the lines.
Nobody ever articulated such a thing between the
lines. And for that, Scott Sandage must be recognized.
Attention must be paid.