A long time ago, I used to think that love was the most important thing on the Earth. No matter what happened, it was really the most important thing -- because love can bring so much joy to people. And it did to mine. Unimaginable joy. So then, one day, about ten years ago, I was watching this documentary about the Beatles, and they asked Abbie Hoffman -- who was very much alive at the time -- if all you really need is love in this world. He thought very briefly, and answered in that good natured way of his that, "No, Justice is all you need." He said that justice is the most important thing in the world. And I thought about it for a while, maybe a few weeks, maybe months, but I found myself agreeing with him. Knowing more and more about the world (and especially the horrors of the American government in Central America in the 1980s), it was hard not to see that justice was the most important thing in the world. It would all follow from justice. We would not be screwing every country in central america if we had any sense of justice. Millions of millions of people would be happy now if we had any sense of justice. And that we didn't.

In any case, recently, I've changed my mind. I just wanted to announce that. I now think that love is the most important thing in the world. There's nothing like it. Nor will there ever be. It is what gives me -- just as I knew when I was twelve -- unimaginable joy. It's not that justice or good health isn't important. They hold joint position at number two. However, love is the most important thing in this world. If you don't have it, it sucks big time. If you have it, it's the best thing in the world.