OK, maybe this is some kind of neurosis on my part, but I have to vent on this. It seems like there is an unwritten rule that after a certain age (or shall we say a "state of mind") one can no longer wear t-shirts with things written on it and still be respectably fashionable. And it's a particularly egregious insult to sophistication if one wears a (God forbid) t-shirt with the name of a band on it after you're 25 or so. "I mean, it's sooooo juveline." But SOMEHOW it's OK if you walk around with collared T-shirts (you know what I mean) with huge letters on the front saying "Java," or "Microsoft," or "Gap," or "Calvin Klein," or "Apple," or "Harvard" on it. But it's extremely uncool to wear a t-shirt that says "Kid Rock" or (God forbid even more) "Nirvana." Face it people, we are all whores. We are whores because we wear things made by corporations who suck money out of poor people's pockets and give it to the rich. So on the whole, I'd rather be wearing something that proclaims I'm a whore by saying "Nirvana" than by saying "Calvin Klein." In general, about wearing t-shirts with words on them: chill out! Get over your innate fear of being associated with t-shirt wearing 35+ year old fat balding white trashy looking people who drive trucks. Special message for those that think that wearing clothing with no messages on it somehow makes you pure or chaste from the evil influences of the corporate machine: You're still a whore.