kierkegaard sketch
The Søren Kierkegaard Society (U.S.A.)

APA Conference Announcements and Calls for Papers


The Society thanks Mark Tietjen for eight years of amazing service as Secretary-Treasurer; and thank to Carl Hughes for taking up this challenging position following Mark!

The Society is working on new webpages, so this old page will soon be superceded. Links will be given here for the new pages when ready!

SK Society USA
(main page)

  SK Society Books Page

International Kierkegaard Society

Kierkegaard Society sessions at APA meetings

Kierkegaard, Religion, & Culture group in AAR

SK Library (St. Olaf) 

SK Society UK

SK Research Center at
Univ. Copenhagen

Kierkegaard Circle

General Information about the Kierkegaard Society Sessions at

the American Philosophical Association (APA) Meetings 

The Kierkegaard Society (U.S.A.) currently plans to hold sessions at two out of three American Philosophical Assoication (APA) meetings each academic year. We hold a session at the Eastern APA each December, and a session each spring either at the Central APA or at the Pacific APA (alternating). This rotation will continue for the foreseeable future, at the discretion of the Society's APA representative and Executive Committee. 

The topics and themes are chosen by the APA representative in consultation with the Executive Committee, and noteworthy scholars are often invited to give keynote addresses. Sometimes themes connected with work by a particular scholar will be the focus of a session (see the history of recent sessions below).  Suggestions for topics and keynote speakers are welcome.

If you do not see or receive a call for papers by March of the academic year before the conference for which you want to submit, please contact the Society's APA representative:

Jeff Hanson, School of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University,

The deadline for the Eastern APA will generally be in late April - early May.
The deadline for the Pacific or Central will generally be late May - early June.

Since we do not have an email for everyone who may be interested, this Call for Papers will also be posted on the Societys webpages, and we will try to include it in SK Society Newsletters, as well as bulletins from the Kierkegaard Library at St. Olaf College. Please circulate this page or link to it from other sites.  Those who have not spoken at recent Society sessions at the APA and AAR, and European scholars, are especially encouraged to submit.

Please note that unfortunately the Society does not have money to provide travel funds for speakers at the APA meetings.  Speakers are encouraged to seek travel funds from their home institutions whenever possible. Society dues are low and pay mainly for the newsletter plus some programming at annual AAR meetings.

This page is divided into Calls for Papers for future conferences, Upcoming Sessions already planned for APAs, and Past APA sessions.  In each of these three subdivisions, the events are listed from furthest in future to farthest in past.


Rick Furtak

George Connell

Carl Hughes

AAR Representative
J. Aaron Simmons (2014-2015)

APA Representative:
Jeffrey Hanson (2014-2015)

SBL Representative:
Kyle Roberts

Board Member:
Gordon Marino

Board Member:
David Cain

Call for Papers: (ideally due by May 30, 2015)

The Kierkegaard Society invites contributions for our Group sessions at these upcoming conferences:

Eastern Division of the APA, Jan. 6-9,  2016

Central Division meeting of the APA, in Chicago Illinois, March 2-5, 2016

Topic: open

When submitting your paper, please indicate whether you would prefer to be considered for the Eastern or Central APA (or whether you would be willing for the paper to considered for either).

Please send complete papers of approximately 3,000 words to

Recent APA Sessions of the Kierkegaard Society

Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Pacific APA 2015
April 1 - April 4, 2015, Westin Bayshore hotel, Vancouver, Canada.
Session Title: Kierkegaard and the Propaedeutic Value of Philosophy

1. Ulrika Carlsson (Howard and Edna Hong Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College): “An Aesthetic Apologetic”
2. Sergia Hay (Pacific Lutheran University): “Hamann and Kierkegaard on Socratic Ignorance”
3. Thomas Miles (Boston College): “Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, and the Virtues of Philosophy”
Past SK Society Group Sessions at Recent APAs (spring 2014 - 2005):

Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Eastern APA 2014
December 28-29, 2014, Marriott downtown, Philadelphia PA.
Session Title: Kierkegaard and Narrative

1. John Davenport (Fordham University): “Psychological Narrativity and the Limits of Ethical Self-Authorship”
2. Jeffrey Hanson (Australian Catholic University): “Aesthetic Ideals and the Task of Repetition”
3. Frances Maughan-Brown (Boston College): “Kierkegaard and Allegorical Narrative”

CommentsClare Carlisle (University College London)

Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Eastern APA 2013
December 28-29, 2013, Baltimore MD.
Session Title: Reading Fear & Trembling After 170 Years

Chair: Rick Furtak (Colorado College)
1. Jeffrey Hanson (Australian Catholic University): “Silentio on Luke's Hard Saying: Literalism, Love, and the Absolute Figure”
2. Richard McCombs (St. John's College): “The Telos of Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling
3. Michael Strawser (University of Central Florida): “On Love, Fear and Trembling”

CommentsRick Furtak (Colorado College)

Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Pacific APA 2013
March 2013, San Francisco CA
Session Title: Open...Celebrating Søren at 200

Chair: Shannon Nason (Loyola Marymount University)
1. Mark McCreary (Kirkwood Community College): “Hidden Love: Kierkegaard on Love and Love’s Suffering”
2. Melissa Fitzpatrick (Loyola Marymount University): “The Recollection of Anxiety: Kierkegaard as our Socratic Occasion to Transcend Unfreedom”
3. Mandel Cabrera (Auburn University): “Aesthetic Authenticity: Kierkegaard and Social Media”

Shannon Nason (Loyola Marymount University)

Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Eastern APA
December 27-30, 2012, Atlanta, GA - Marriott Marquis
Session Title: Kierkegaard on the Love of Self and Others

Chair:  Michael Strawser (University of Central Florida)
1. Ulrika Carlsson (Yale University) "An Ethical Model of Love in ‘Silhouettes’ and a Challenge to the Knight of Infinite Resignation"
2. Elodie Gontier (University of Paris–Sorbonne): "The Problem of True Love and Self-­‐Love in Kierkegaard’s Works of Love"
3. Heather C. Ohaneson (Columbia University): "Loved into Life: The Tacit Resolution of Despair in Kierkegaard’s Sickness unto Death”"

Michael Strawser (University of Central Florida)


Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Central APA
February 15-18, 2012, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago IL
Session Title: Kierkegaard and Plato, Kant, & God's Revelation

Chair:  George Connell (Concordia College)

1. C. Stephen Evans (Baylor University):  "Paradoxicality as a Criterion of Authentic Revelation"
2. Anthony Rudd (St. Olaf College): "Kierkegaard and Platonic Teleology"
3. Daniel W. Murphy (Saint Peter's College): "Crossing Paths and Boundaries: On Kierkegaard's Relation to Kant"

:  George Connell (Concordia College)

Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Eastern APA
December 28-30, 2011. Marriott Wardman Park, DC.
Session Title: Kierkegaard on Sex, Prozac, and German Idealism

Chair:  Michael Strawser (University of Central Florida)
1.  Keynote Address: Céline Leon (Grove City College): "The Neither/Nor of the Second Sex: Kierkegaard on Women, Sexual Difference, and Sexual Relations." 
2.  Norman Lillegard (University of Tennesseee -- Martin): "Listening to Prozac while Sick unto Death"
3.  Michael Burns (University of Dundee): "The Fractured Dialectic: Kierkegaard and German Idealism after Žižek"

:  Charles Guignon (University of South Florida)

Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Pacific APA
April 20-23, 2011, San Diego 
Session Title: Kierkegaard, Subjectivity, and Love

Chair:  George Connell (Concordia College)

1. Brock Bahler (Duquesne),  "Kierkegaard’s “Greatness”: Human Subjectivity as an Ordinary Impossibility"
2. Michael Strawser (University of Central Flordia), "Deliberating on Love and Sin"
3. Mark Alznauer (Northwestern), "Kierkegaard and Hegel on the Inner-Outer Problem"

:  Shannon Nason (Loyola Marymount)

Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Eastern APA
December 28-30, 2010. Marriott Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA
Session Title: Kierkegaard and Gender Relations

Chair:  Vanessa Rumble (Boston College)
1.  Keynote Address: Celine Leon (Grove City College): “The Neither/Nor of the Second Sex" [not presented due to weather travel delays] 
2.  Pia Søltoft (Kierkegaard Research Centre, University of Copenhagen, Denmark), "The Airborn Woman -- or the Women who Loved Much"
3.  Eleanor Helms (Fordham University): "Misunderstanding Modalities of Gender Difference: A Critique of 'Me, Inc.' Economics by S. Kierkegaard"

:  Vanessa Rumble (Boston College)

Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Central APA
Feb.17 -20, 2010: Chicago, IL -- Palmer House Hilton
Session Title: Kierkegaad and Time
Chair:  George Connell (Concordia College) Chair
1.  Keynote Address: John Davenport (Fordham University): “Earnestness, Loyalty, and Purity of Heart: Narrative Unity through Infinite Pathos” 
2.  Grant Julin (St. Francis University): "Kierkegaard’s Ethics of Repetition"
3.  Nathan Carson (Baylor University): "Artistic Representation and Inner-Historical Time: Kierkegaard on the Temporal Limitations of Art and the Task of the Literary Artist"
Comments: Jason Mahn (Augustana College)


Kierkegaard Society Group Meeting: Eastern APA
December 27‑30, 2009, New York, NY. ‑ Marriott Hotel 
Session Title: Kierkegaard and Authenticity (Heidegger, Nietzsche, etc).

Chair:  J. Aaron Simmons (Hendrix College)
1.  Adam Buben (University of South Florida): "Heidegger, Kierkegaard, and Authentic Being-towards-Death" 
2.  Noreen Kawaja (Stanford University), “Kierkegaard and Heidegger on Authenticity”

3.  Noel Adams (Marquette University): "Towards a Muslim Concept of Authenticity? Some Kierkegaardian Reflections on Contemporary Islam's Confrontation with Modernity"

Comments:  J. Aaron Simmons (Hendrix College)


Pacific APA, April 8 - 12, 2009, Vancouver, BC
Westin Bayshore Hotel

Session Title: Kierkegaard, Autonomy, and Freedom

1.  Keynote Address: Anthony Rudd (St. Olaf College): "To Kant and Kierkegaard's Conceptions of Theoretical Truth." 
2.  Eric Hanson (Purdue University), “Is Kierkegaard’s Comparison of Kant to Sancho Panza a Critique of the Law of Autonomy?”

3.  Paul Carron (Baylor University): "Freedom, Emotions, and Second-Order Desires in Kierkegaard's Christian Discourses"

Comments: Michelle Kosch (Cornell University)

Eastern APA, December 28, 2008
, Philadelphia, PA
Session Title: C. Stephen Evans on Kierkegaard, Faith, and Love
Chair: John Davenport (Fordham University)
1.  Keynote Address: Edward Mooney (Syracuse University):“Kierkegaard at the APA: Comments on Evans” 
2.  Sarah Cabral (Loyola University of Chicago): "The Aesthetic Judge and the Ethical Poet: A Response to C. Stephen Evans' Reading of Either/Or in Kierkegaard's Ethic of Love
3.  Michael Cantrell (Baylor University): "Was Socrates a Christian before Chris? Kierkegaard and the Problem of Christian Uniqueness"
Comments: C. Stephen Evans (Baylor University)


Central APA, April 18, 2008 (7 - 10pm) (Program pp.54-55)
Palmer House Hilton Hotel, Chicago, IL

Session Title: Kierkegaard and German Idealism

Chair: Dan Johnson (Baylor University)
1.  Antony Aumann (Indiana University), "Kierkegaard on the Irrelevance of Philosophy"
2.  Shannon Nason (Purdue University), "Contradiction, Opposition, and Mediation in Hegel & Kierkegaard"

3.  Michael Matthis (Lamar University), "Autonomy and Heteronomy: Kant and Kierkegaard on Freedom"

Comments: Noel Adams (Marquette University)


Eastern APA, December 28-30, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland.
Friday Dec. 28; 8:15 – 11:15 pm James room (4th floor)
Session Title: Kierkegaard and World Religions
Chair: C. Stephen Evans (Baylor University)
1.  Keynote Address : Steven Emmanuel (Virginia Wesleyan College): "Kierkegaard and Buddhism."
2.  Peter Mehl (University of Central Arkansas): "Can Kierkegaard Speak to a Theologically Pluralistic World?"
3.  J. Michael Tilley (University of Kentucky): "Divided Against Oneself? Faith and Politics in Qutb and Kierkegaard"
Comments: David Cain (University of Mary Washington)


Pacific APA, April 5, 2007
St. Francis Hotel: San Francisco, CA.
Session Title: Furtak and Others on Kierkegaard, Wisdom, and Love
Chair: Noel Adams (Marquette University)
1. Keynote Address: Robert C. Roberts (Baylor University), "Emotions as Epistemic Ground: Comments on Furtak’s Wisdom in Love"
2. Michael Strawser (University of Central Florida), "Striving for Love in Spinoza and Kierkegaard"
3. Mark McCreary (Loyola University -- Chicago), "Kierkegaard on the Obstacles to Faith and Love:
The Terrifying Truth and the Possibility of Offense"
Response to Critics: Richard Anthony Furtak (Colorado College)


Eastern APA, December 29, 2006
Washington, D.C. Marriott Wardman Hotel.
Session Title: Faith and Despair: Fear and Trembling and Sickness Unto Death
Chair: Martin B. Matustík (Purdue University) 
1. Keynote Address: Sheridan Lynneth Hough (The College of Charleston): "To Begin Where Thought Stops: Faith’s Knowledge as Epistemic Flexibility."
2. Andrew Nam (Baylor University), "Does Choosing Despair Mean Annihilation of the Self? A Critique of Poul Lübcke View of Despair and the Self."
3. Michael Cantrell (Baylor University), "The Unbearable Anxiety of Belief: Fear and Trembling as a Study in the Sociology of Knowledge"
Comments: Merold Westphal (Fordham University)


Central APA, April 28, 2006
Palmer House Hilton Hotel, Chicago, IL.
Session Title: Kierkegaard and Epistemology
Chair: Ian Duckles (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
Presenters: (Ulrich Knappe was not able to present at this conference, due to personal reasons).
1. Mark Tietjen (Baylor University), "Doubts about Doubting: Kierkegaard's Response to Skepticism in Works of Love."
2. Thomas Carroll (Boston University), "Fideism and the Nature of Truth in Kierkegaard's Philosophical Fragments and Concluding Unscientific Postscript"
Comments: Rick Furtak (Colorado College)


Eastern APA, December 29, 2005
Hilton New York City

Session Title: James Conant and his Critics on Kierkegaard's Authorship(s)
Chair: M. Jamie Ferreira (University of Virginia)

1. Edward Mooney (Syracuse University): "To Revoke a Text and Keep It Too: A Curtain Call for Climacus."
2. Paul Muench (Williams College): "Understanding Kierkegaard=s Climacus in the Postscript: Mirror of the Reader's Faults or Socratic Exemplar?" 
3. Colin Patrick (University of Chicago): "Reflected Existence: The Difficulties of the Concluding Unscientific Postscript."
Comments: Genia Schönbaumsfeld (University of Southampton, UK)
Response: James Conant (University of Chicago). 


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