Fordham University

Room 606, 45 Columbus Avenue,

New York, NY 10023



      Liquidity Quantification

      Credit Derivatives

      Equilibrium Option Pricing

      Real Options

      Mortgage Backed Securities

      Term Structure of Interest Rates



University of Illinois at U-C




University of Illinois at U-C




National Taiwan University

Business Administration





full time employment history


Fordham University


Asst. and Asso. Professor

Rutgers Univ.


Vice President

Lehman Brothers Inc.


Visiting Asst. Prof.

Univ. of Pittsburgh


Visiting Asso. Prof.

National Taiwan Univ.



other visiting positions

Columbia University – Adjunct Professor, Spring 2013.

National Chung-Hsing University (Taiwan) – Visiting Chair Professor, 2007-2014.

Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing, China) – Visiting Professor, Summer 2011/2012.

Hong Kong University – Visiting Assistant Professor, summer 1994.


consulting experiences

JP Morgan, Price Waterhouse, Freddie Mac, Grand Cathy Securities, Moody’s KMV, BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, UBS, DTCC, IFE, CDIB.




Columbia: Financial Econometrics II

Rutgers: Investment and Portfolio Analysis

National Taiwan University: Capital Market Theory, Seminar on Term Structure



Fordham: Financial Innovations and Intermediation, Philosophy of Business Research


Quantitative Finance

Fordham: AI in Asset Management, Risk Management, Financial Modeling II, Credit Risk Management, Advanced Derivatives, Large-scale Data Analysis

Rutgers: Financial Modeling II


Global Finance

Fordham: Global Risk Management



Fordham: Real Estate Finance, Mortgage Backed Securities, Global Risk Management

Rutgers: Analysis of Fixed Income, Investments, Futures and Options

University of Pittsburgh: Financial Engineering, Advanced Corporate Finance, Interest Rate Derivatives, Investments, Futures and Options

Hong Kong University: Derivatives

National Taiwan University: Real Estate Finance & Mortgage Backed Securities



Fordham: Futures and Options

Rutgers: Business Forecasting, Futures and Options, Introduction to Financial Management, Real Estate Finance & Mortgage Backed Securities, Advanced Corporate Finance, Fundamentals of Accounting

University of Illinois: Investments, Introduction to Financial Management




1.      “A Model-free Lattice,” with Pei-Lin Hsieh, Jeffrey Huang, and Hongbiao Zhao, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, forthcoming, 2025.

2.      “A Graphic Model for the Term Structure of Interest Rates,” with Pei-Lin Hsieh, Jeffrey Huang, and Alina Luo, Journal of Fixed Income, forthcoming, 2024. 2024

3.      “Is Taiwan Stock Market (Swarm) Intelligent?” Information, forthcoming, 2024. 2024

4.      “GPU-Accelerated American Option Pricing: The Case of the Longstaff-Schwartz Monte Carlo Model,” with Leon Li and Frank Fabozzi, Journal of Derivatives, forthcoming, 2024. 2024

5.      “Systemic Risk and Bank Networks: A Use of Knowledge Graph with ChatGPT,” with Ren-Yuan Lyu, Chung, San Lin, and Yilu Zhou, FinTech, forthcoming, 2024. 2024

6.      “Search on a NK Landscape with Swarm Intelligence: Limitations and Future Research Opportunities," with Cameron Miller and Puay Khoon Toh, Algorithms, forthcoming, 2024. 2023

7.      “From Liquidity Risk to Systemic Risk: A Use of Knowledge Graph,” with Xiaohu Zhang, Journal of Financial Stability, 70, 2024. 2023

8.      “Using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to Evaluate American-Style Derivatives,” with Leon Li, Journal of Financial Data Science, 5(3), 2023.2023

9.      “Modeling Firm Search and Innovation Trajectory Using Swarm Intelligence,” with Cameron D. Miller and Puay Khoon Toh, Algorithms, 16(2), 20232023

10.  “CMS Spread Options Pricing under the CHH model: CMS Spread Options Pricing,” with Pei-lin Hsieh and Xiaowei Li, Journal of Fixed Income, 33(2), 2023. 2022

11.  “Predictive Power of the Implied Volatility Term Structure in the Fixed-Income Market,” with Pei-lin Hsieh, Xiaowei Li, and Jeffrey Huang, Journal of Futures Markets, 43(3), 2023. 2022

12.  “Index Tracking: A Stock Selection Model using Particle Swarm Optimization,” Journal of Investing, 32(2), 2023. 2022

13.  “An Exact Structural Model for Evaluating Credit Default Swaps: Theory and Empirical Evidence,” with Pei-Lin Hsieh, Journal of Fixed Income, 32(3), 2023. 2022

14.  “Ultra Treasury Bond Futures,” with Dean Leistikow and Shih-Kuo Yeh, Journal of Fixed Income, 33(2), 2023. 2022

15.   “Stock Liquidity Risk and Cash Reservation,” with Wan-Ru Yang and Shih-Kuo Yeh, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 25(4), 2022. 2022

16.  “A New Look at the Swing Contract: From Linear Programming to Particle Swarm Optimization,” with Tapio Behrndt, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(6), 2022. 2022

17.  “Spot Asset Carry Cost Rates and Futures Hedge Ratios,” with Dean Leistikow and Yuewu Xu, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 58, No. 4, p. 1741-1779, 2022. 2022

18.  “On the Black-Litterman Model: Learning to Do Better,” with Shih-Kuo Yeh and Xiaohu Zhang, Journal of Financial Data Science, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2022. 2021

19.  “Particle Swarm Optimization Approach to Portfolio Construction,” with Kaihua Huang and Shih-Kuo Yeh, Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Vol. 28, No. 3, p.182-194, 2021. 2021

20.  “An Artificial Intelligence Approach to the Valuation of American-style Derivatives: A Use of Particle Swarm Optimization,” with William Huang, Jeffrey Huang, and Robert Yu, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2021. 2021

21.  “CDS-Implied Risk of U.S. Delinquency: Implications for the U.S. Debt Ceiling,” with John Finnerty and Bruno Kamdem, Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 31, No.1, p.6-26, Summer, 2021 (lead article) 2021.

22.  “An Examination of Ex Ante Risk and Return in the Cross Section Using Option- Implied Information,” with Dongcheol Kim and Tai-Yong Roh, European Journal of Finance, Vol. 26, Issue 16, May 2020.2020

23.   “Futures Minimum Variance Hedge Ratio Determination: An ex-ante Analysis,” with Dean Leistikow and Andrew Wang, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 54, November 2020. 2019

24.  “A Resolution to Valuation Conflicts of Swaptions/Caps and OIS/LIBOR,” with Pei-lin Hsieh, Joe Huang, and Jeffrey Huang, Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 28, No.3, p.68-87, Winter 2019.2018

25.  “Default Risk and Cross Section of Returns,” with Nusret Cakici and Sris Chatterjee, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Vol. 12, Issue 2, May 2019.2019

26.  “Futures Hedge Ratios and Spot Carry Cost Rate Variation,” with Dean Leistikow, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Vol. 12, Issue 2, May 2019. 2019

27.  “Crash Risk and Risk Neutral Densities,” with Pei-lin Hsieh and Jeffrey Huang, Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 47, Issue C, p. 162-189, 2018. 2017

28.  “It’s Time to Shift Log-normal,” with Pei-lin Hsieh and Jeffrey Huang, Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 27, No. 2, p. 37-51, Fall, 2017.2017

29.  “What Lies Beneath the Implementation of Expensing Equity-based Compensation?” with Ting-Kai Chou and Hsuan-Chu Lin, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, p. 78-93, December 2017. 2017

30.  “The Liquidity Impact on Firm Values: the Evidence of Taiwan’s Banking Industry,” with Seiko Yeh and Tung-Hsiao Yang, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 82, p. 191-202, September 2017. 2016

31.  “Economic Growth Potential Creating a Real Put and the Resulting Valuation of the Firm,” with Michael Long, Xiaoli Wang, and Jingfeng Zhang, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 47, No. 3, 2016 (lead article). 2016

32.  “A Liquidity Index,” with Wenlin Lin and He Wei, Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 25, No. 4, p. 5-19, Spring 2016 (lead article) 2016

33.  “A Closed-form Solution to a Liquidity Discount Problem: with an Application to the Liquidity Crisis,” with Bo Li, Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 25, No. 2, p. 7-24, Fall 2015 (lead article) 2015

34.   “The Valuation of Compound Options: a Correction and an Extension,” with Wei He, Journal of Derivatives, Vol. 22, No. 4, p. 92-104, Summer 2015.2015

35.   “Evaluation of Conducting Capital Structure Arbitrage Using the Multi-Period Extended Geske-Johnson Model,” with Hann-Shing Ju and Shih-Kuo Yeh, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 44, No. 1, p. 89-111, January 2015. 2015

36.  “Liquidity Discount in the Opaque Market: the Evidence from Taiwan’s Emerging Stock Market,” with Chung-Ying Yeh and Shih-Kuo Yeh, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 29, p. 297-309, 2014. 2014

37.   “Liquidity, Leverage, and Lehman: A Structural Analysis of Financial Institutions in Crisis,” with N. K. Chidambaran, Michael Imerman, and Ben Sopranzetti, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 45, p. 117-139, August 2014. 2014

38.   “The Impact of Credit Rating Announcements on Credit Default Swap Spreads,” with John Finnerty and Cameron Miller, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 37, No. 6, p. 2011-2030, June 2013. 2012

39.  “Valuing Financial Assets with Liquidity Discount: An Implication to Basel III,” with William Filonuk, Dilip Patro, and An Yan, Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 22, No. 3, p. 45-63, December 2013. 2012

40.  “Dynamic Interaction between Interest Rate and Credit Risks: Theory and Evidence from the Term Structure of Credit Default Swap Spreads,” with Xiaolin Cheng and Liuren Wu, Review of Finance, Vol. 17, No. 1, p. 403-441, 2013 [published online: November 30, 2011].

41.  “Valuing a Liquidity Discount,” Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 21, No. 3, p. 59-73, Winter 2012. 2012

42.  “Analytical Bounds for Treasury Bond Futures Prices,” with S.K. Yeh, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 39, No. 2, p.209-239, 2012. 2012

43.  “Lower Bound of European Option Price,” with Hsuan-Chu Lin and Oded Palmon, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 38, No. 1, p.109-129, 2012.

44.   Risk-Adjusted Stock Information from Option Prices,” with Dongcheol Kim and Durg Panda, Review of Futures Markets, Vol. 19, No. 2, p. 107-144, 2010.

45.  “Inflation, Fisher Equation, and The Term Structure of Inflation Risk Premia: Theory and Evidence from TIPS,” with Xiaolin Cheng and Bo Liu, Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 17, No. 5, p. 702-721, 2010.

46.  “Corporate Credit Default Swap Liquidity and Its Implications for Corporate Bond Spreads,” with Frank Fabozzi and Ronald Sverdlove, Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 20, No. 2: p. 31-57, Fall 2010,

47.  “Default Prediction of Various Structural Models,” with Frank Fabozzi, Sing-yang Hu and Ging-ging Pan, Journal of Credit Risk, Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer 2010.

48.  “A Risk-Based Evaluation of the Free-Trader Option,” with Frank Fabozzi, Quantitative Finance, Vol. 10, No. 3, p. 235-240, March 2010.

49.  “Empirical Studies of Structural Credit Risk Models and the Application in Default Prediction: Review and New Evidence,” with Han-Hsing Lee and Cheng Few Lee, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 629-675, 2009.

50.  “Empirical Performance of the Constant Elasticity Variance Option Pricing Model,” with Cheng-few Lee and Han-Hsing Lee, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1-41, 2009.

51.  Embedded Options in Treasury Bond Futures Prices: New Evidence,” with Hann-Shing Ju and Shih-Kuo Yeh, Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 82-95, Summer 2009.

52.   “An Empirical Analysis Of The CDX Index And Its Tranches,” with Frank Fabozzi, Shih-Kuo Yeh, and Yi-Chen Wang, Applied Financial Economic Letters, Vol. 16, No. 14, pp. 1425-1431, 2009.

53.  “Estimation and Valuation of the Term Structure of Credit Default Swaps: An Empirical Study,” with Xiaolin Cheng and Bo Liu, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 339-349, 2008.

54.   “An Explicit, Multi-factor Credit Default Swap Pricing Model with Correlated Factors,” with Xiaolin Cheng, Frank Fabozzi, and Bo Liu, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 123-60, March 2008.

55.  “Optimal strike prices of stock options for effort-averse executives,” with Oded Palmon, Sasson Bar-Yosef, and Itzhak Venezia, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 229-239, February 2008.

56.  “Market Risk of Mortgage-Backed Securities With Consistent Measures,” with H. Liao and Tyler Yang, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 121-140, January 2008.

57.   “Exploring the Components of Credit Risk in Credit Default Swaps,” with Xiaolin Cheng and Frank Fabozzi, Finance Research Letters, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.10-18, 2007.

58.   “Sources of Credit Risk: Evidence from Credit Default Swaps,” with Frank Fabozzi, Ging-ging Pan, and Ron Sverdlove, Journal of Fixed Income (lead article), Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 7-21, December 2006.

59.  “A Non-Parametric Option Pricing Model: Theory and Empirical Evidence,” with Oded Palmon, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting  (lead article), Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 115-134, 2005.

60.  “Multi-Factor CIR Models of the Term Structure: Estimates and Tests from a State-Space Model Using a Kalman Filter,” with Louis O. Scott, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics (lead article), Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 143-172, September 2003.

61.  “The Valuation of Default-Triggered Credit Derivatives,” with Ben Sopranzetti, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 359-, 382, June 2003.

62.  “A Note on Forward Price, Forward Measure,” with Jay Huang, Vol. 19, pp. 257-271, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2002.

63.  “Option Pricing in a Multi-Asset, Complete Market Economy,” with Tyler Yang and S.L. Chung, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 649-666, December 2002.

64.  “A Simple Multi-factor, Time-dependent-parameter Model for Term Structures of Interest Rates,” with Tyler Yang, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (lead article), Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 5-20, 2002.

65.  “Analytical Upper Bound for American Option Prices,” with S.H. Yeh, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 117-135, March 2002.

66.  “A Universal Lattice” with Tyler Yang, July, Review of Derivatives Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 115-134, 1999.

67.  “Valuing Fixed-Income Options and Mortgage-Backed Securities with Alternative Term Structure Models,” with Tyler Yang and Brian Maris, Journal of Business, Finance, and Accounting, Vol. 26, No. 1&2, pp. 33-56, January/March 1999.

68.  “Pricing the Quality Option in Japanese Government Bond Futures,” with Bin-Huei Lin and Jian-Hsin Chou, Applied Financial Economics, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 51-65, February 1999.

69.  “The Relevance of Interest Rate Processes in Pricing Mortgage-backed Securities,” with Tyler Yang, Journal of Housing Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 315-32, 1995.

70.  “Interest Rate Options in Multi-Factor CIR Models of the Term Structure,” with Louis O. Scott Journal of Derivatives, pp. 53-72, Winter 1995.

71.  “A Two-Factor Preference-Free Model for Interest Rate Sensitive Claims,” Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 345-72, May, 1995.

72.  “Valuing Contingent Value Rights and Firm's Extension Decision,” Co-authored with John Wei, Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 105-125, July 1994.

73.  “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Multi-Factor Equilibrium Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates,” Co-authored with Louis O. Scott, Journal of Fixed Income, pp. 14-31, December 1993.

74.  “Pricing Interest Rate Futures Options with Futures Style Margining,” Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 15-22, February 1993.

75.  “The Constant Elasticity of Variance Family of Stock Prices in Option Pricing: Review and Integration” Co-authored with C.F. Lee, Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 29-51, July 1993.

76.  “Pricing Interest Rate Options in a Two-factor Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Model of the Term Structure,” Co-authored with Louis O. Scott, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 613-36, 1992.

77.  “A New Look at Interest Rate Futures Contracts”, Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 539-48, October 1992.

78.  “Exact Solutions for Futures and European Futures Options On Pure Discount Bonds,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 97-107, March 1992.

79.  “Pricing Stock and Bond Options When the Default-Free Rate is Stochastic: A Comment,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 433-34, September 1991.


80.  “Predicting Stock Moves: An Example from China,” Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance, edited by Min-Te Yu, 2025.

81.  “How Well Do Banks Manage Their Credit Risk?  A DEA Approach,” Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance, forthcoming, edited by Min-Te Yu, 2023. 2023

82.  “A Martingale Restriction Test of Option Prices,” Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, Vol. 9, p. 183-205, 2018. 2019

83.  “Empirical Studies of Structural Credit Risk Models and the Application in Default Prediction: Review and New Evidence,” with Han-Hsing Lee and Cheng Few Lee, Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Mathematics, Statistics, and Technology, p. 1649-1706, 2019. 2019

84.  “Empirical Performance of the Constant Elasticity Variance Option Pricing Model,” with Cheng-few Lee and Han-Hsing Lee, Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Mathematics, Statistics, and Technology, 2019. 2019

85.  “The Economic Cost of Myopic Going Concern Practice,” with Hsuan-Chu Lin and Mike Long, Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance, pp. 77-104, edited by Min-Te Yu, 2018. 2018

86.  “The Multi-period Agency Problem and Resulting Disappearance of Sinking Funds,” with Hsuan-Chu Lin and Mike Long, Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, edited by Bin-Hui Lin, 2018.2018

87.  “A Generalized Framework of Credit Risk Modeling,” Encyclopedia of Finance, 2nd edition, edited by C.F. Lee, Springer, 2013.

88.  “Fixed Income Total Return Swaps,” with Frank Fabozzi, Mark Anson, and Moorad Choudhry, Handbook of Finance, edited by Frank Fabozzi.

89.  “Credit Risk Modeling using Structural Models,” with Frank Fabozzi, Mark Anson, and Moorad Choudhry, Handbook of Finance, edited by Frank Fabozzi.

90.  “Pricing Interest Rate Derivatives using Factor Models,” with Louis Scott, Handbook in Quantitative Finance, edited by C.F. Lee.

91.  “What is behind the Smile? Fat Tails or Transaction Costs,” with Oded Palmon and John Wald, Chapter 36, Handbook in Quantitative Finance, edited by C.F. Lee.

92.  “Dividends vs. Reinvestments in Continuous Time: A More General Model,” with Larry Shepp, Ben Logan, and Oded Palmon, Handbook in Quantitative Finance, edited by C.F. Lee.

93.  “Displaced Log Normal and Lognormal American Option Pricing: A Comparison” with C. F. Lee, Handbook in Quantitative Finance, edited by C.F. Lee.

94.  “Credit Risk Modeling: A Review” with Jinzhi Huang, Encyclopedia of Finance, edited by C.F. Lee, Springer, 2005.

95.  “On the CEV Option Pricing Models -- New Evidence from S&P 500 Index Options,” with C.F. Lee and Ta-Peng Wu, Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 7, No. 2, p. 173-190, (June) 2004.

96.  “Capital Budgeting in Continuous Time, Complete Market Economy,” with C.F. Lee, Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 10, p.117-138, 2002.

97.  “Credit Default Swaps: Market and Valuation” a chapter in Professional Perspectives on Fixed Income Portfolio Management, Vol. 4, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.

98.  “Pricing and Hedging Interest Rate Risks with the Multi-Factor Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Model,” with Louis Scott, Advances in Fixed Income Valuation Modeling and Risk Control, Fabozzi Publishing, 1996.

99.  “Pricing Bond Options through Factor Models,” Derivatives Week, January 31, 1994.

in Chinese

100.          「透過信用違約交換報價與公司債殖利率萃取流動性風險因子之探討」葉宗穎葉仕國、陳仁遶台大管理論叢,第卅二卷第一期,1-46, 2021 (lead article).[1]2020

101.          選擇權隱含風險中立機率密度函數之解釋能力與預測能力的檢驗:以外幣選擇權為例」黃昭景、陳仁遶、葉仕國期貨與選擇權學刊,第十卷第期,1-50, August, 2017 (lead article).[2]

102.          臺灣股票上市櫃公司資產流動性折扣之研究葉仕國、陳仁遶、葉宗穎林丙輝證券市場發展季刊,第二十七卷第一期,1-32, 2015 (lead article).[3]

103.          「房貸基礎證券評價與風險值-風險中立訂價法與均衡訂價法之比較」廖咸興、張森林、陳仁遶、楊太樂、廖堃宇財務金融學刊第十五卷第1-42, June, 2007 (lead article).[4]

104.          「折現率變動下之收益還原法模型-台北市住宅性不動產估價之實證研究」陳益裕、廖咸興、陳仁遶台灣土地金融季刊三卷第三期47-66, September, 1994.[5]

105.          「抵押貸款訂價模型之效率性-數值分析模型與封閉型解模型之比較」陳仁遶、廖咸興、楊太樂證券市場發展季刊第七卷第二期29-46, April, 1995.[6]



1.      Financial Mathematics, Global Social Science Institute, 2009, 2013.

2.      Credit Derivatives: Instruments, Applications, and Pricing, with Frank Fabozzi, Mark Anson, and Moorad Choudhry, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.

3.      雙率風險管理 (Managing Dual Rate Risks) with Mao-Wei Hung, Hua-Tai Publishing, 1997.

4.      Understanding and Managing Interest Rate Risks, World Scientific, 1996.




1.      “A Graphic Model for the Term Structure of Interest Rates,” with Peilin Hsieh, Jeffrey Huang, and Alina Luo.

2.      “Using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) for the Longstaff-Schwatz Model,” with Leon Li.

3.      “A Graphic Model for the Term Structure of Interest Rates,” with Pei-Lin Hsieh, Jeffrey Huang, and Alina Luo.

4.      “A Hierarchical GRF Model for Liquidity Estimation,” with Tyler Yang.

5.      “Swarm Intelligence for Corporate Choices,” with Cameron Miller and P.K. Loh.

6.      “Evaluation of Swing Contracts with Multiple Facilities,” with Tapio Behrndt.

7.      “Learning the Residuals: A Machine Learning Approach,” with Leon Li and Guillermo Alvarez.

8.      “A Model-free Lattice,” with Pei-Lin Hsieh.

9.      “Constructing the Implied Volatility Sufrace with the Correct Wings,” with Yuewu Xu and Xiangkun Yao.

10.  “The multi-period Agency Problem,” with Hsuan-Chu Lin and Michael Long, October 2007.

11.  “The Structural Agency Problem and Going Concern Rules,” with Hsuan-Chu Lin and Michael Long, October, 2007.

12.  “Credit Spread Bounds and Their Implications for Credit Risk Modeling,” July, 2001, under 2nd review at Management Science.

13.  “Stochastic Volatility and Jumps in Interest Rates: An Empirical Analysis,” with Louis O. Scott, January, 2002, under 2nd review at Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

14.  “Valuing Bond Futures with the Quality Option,” with Peter Carr, 1996.

15.  “Can Stock Returns Reject Normality? A Fat Tail Puzzle”

in progress

16.  “Pricing CDOs,” with Louis Scott.

17.  “A Non-Parametric Model For Default Prediction,” with Hsuan-Chu Lin and Ging-ging Pan.

18.  “Liquidity Quantification and Gamma Risk,” with Sanlin Chung.

19.  “Pricing Synthetic CDOs with Fourier Inversion,” with Jun Zang.

20.  “The Valuation of Credit Default Swaps and the Delivery Option” with Frank Fabozzi and Frank Zhang.

21.  “Credit Ratings using Market Information,” with Jeffery Huang.



“A Graphic Model for the Term Structure of Interest Rates”

Presented at 2023 Financial Engineering Society, Taipei, Taiwan.

“A New Look at the Swing Contract: From Linear Programming to Particle Swarm Optimization”

Presented at 2022 11th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society, June 10 ~ 12, London, U.K.

“CDS-Implied Risk of U.S. Delinquency: Implications for the U.S. Debt Ceiling,”

Presented at 2021 57th Eastern Finance Association, April 7-10, online.


Chair, 2020 FMA, October 19-23, online.

 “Cash Holdings and Liquidity Risk,”

Presented at 2020 27th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, June 28 - July 1, Gdańsk, Poland.

“No Free Lunch Episode Two: A Supply-side Model to Explain the Moment Risk Premia,”

Presented at 2019 IBEFA Summer meetings (June 28~ 30, 2019) in San Francisco, California.

Presented at 2019 World Finance Conference (July 24~26)- Santiago de Chile

“An Examination of Ex Ante Risk and Return in the Cross Section Using Option-Implied Information,”

Presented at 8th (October 18~19, 2019) International Conference on Futures and Other Derivatives, Hangzhou, China.

Presented at 2019 New Zealand Finance Meeting, Auckland, New Zealand.

“Crash Risk and Risk Neutral Densities,”

Presented at 25th (June 24-27, 2018) Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Budapest, Hungary.

“An Integrated Model for Swaptions and Caps”

Presented at the 2nd (November 3~5, 2017) Eastern Conference on Mathematical Finance, New York.

“Information Contents of Risk Neutral Densities at the FX Market”

Presented at the 2017 FMA European Conference in Lisbon, Portugal.

“Strengthening the Efficiency and Capacity of Financial Institutions in the Age of Big Data and Sustainable Development”

Presented at the 2016 2nd International workshop on Big Data for Sustainable Development with IEEE Big Data in Washington D.C.

“A Liquidity Index”

Presented at the 2016 INFINITI Conference in Dublin, Ireland.

Presented at the 2014 Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and Office of Financial Research, Washington D.C.

“The Liquidity Impact on Firm Values: The Evidence of Taiwan's Banking Industry

Presented at the 2014 Fordham-JBF Conference, Xiamen, China.

“Valuing Financial Assets with Liquidity Discount: An Implication to Basel III

Presented at the 2013 Institut Louis Bachelier 6th Financial Risks International Forum in Paris, France.

Presented at the 2013 BIS 2nd International Conference on Credit Analysis and Risk Management in Basel, Switzerland.

The Impact of Credit Rating Announcements on Credit Default Swap Spreads”

Presented at the 2011 European FMA Annual Meetings at Porto, Portugal.

Presented at the 2011 FMA Annual Meetings at Denver, Colorado.

“On the Ex-Ante Cross-Sectional Relation Between Risk and Return Using Option-Implied Information”

Presented at the 2010 FMA Annual Meetings at New York, New York.

“Defining and Measuring a Multi-period Agency Problem”

Presented at the 2010 AAA Annual Meetings at San Francisco, California.

“Implied Default Probability and Capital Requirements in a Financial Crisis: The Case of Lehman Brothers”

Presented at the 2013 Fordham-JBF Conference on Risk Management and Reform of Bank Regulation, Beijing, China.

Presented at the 2009 FMA Annual Meetings at Reno, Nevada.

Presented at the 2009 Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Meetings at Piscataway, New Jersey.

 Corporate Credit Default Swap Liquidity and Its Implications for Corporate Bond Spreads

Presented at the 2008 FMA Annual Meetings at Dallas, Texas.

Accepted at the 2008 Mid-Atlantic Research Conference in Finance (MARC), Villanova, Pennsylvania.

Presented at the 2008 FDIC Derivative Securities and Risk Management Conference, Arlington, Virginia.

 Lower Bound of European Option Price”

Presented at the 2008 FMA Annual Meetings at Dallas, Texas.

 “The Structural Agency Problem and Going Concern Rules”

Presented at the 2007 AAA Annual Meetings at Chicago, Illinois.

Presented at the 2007 FMA Annual Meetings at Orlando, Florida.

 “The Extended Geske-Johnson Model and Its Consistency with Reduced Form Models,” (top 10% paper)

Presented at the 2006 FMA Annual Meetings at Salt Lake City, Utah.

“Explaining the Volatility Smile: Reduced Form vs. Structural Option Models,”

Presented at the 2006 FMA Annual Meetings at Salt Lake City, Utah.

“Sources of Credit Risk: Evidence from Credit Default Swaps”

Presented at the 2006 FMA Annual Meetings at Salt Lake City, Utah.

“Analytical Bounds for Treasury Bond Futures Prices”

Presented at the 2005 8th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research at Zurich.

An Explicit, Multi-factor Credit Default Swap Pricing Model with Correlated Factors

Presented at the 2005 FMA Annual Meetings at Chicago, Illinois.

“The Valuation of TIPS with an Analytical Two-Factor Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Term Structure Model with Correlated Factors”

Presented at the 2005 FMA Annual Meetings at Chicago, Illinois.

“Optimal Strike Prices of Stock Options for Effort Averse Executives”

Presented at the 2005 FMA Annual Meetings at Chicago, Illinois.

Presented at the 2004 AAA annual meetings in Orlando, Florida.

Presented at the 2004 European Finance Association meetings in

“Bounds for Treasury Bond Futures and the Delivery Options,”

Presented at the 2003 Annual ACME meetings in Seattle, Washington.

“An Equilibrium Model for MBS Pricing,”

Presented at the 2003 Annual Lecture Series of Home Hoyt Advanced Study Institute, West Palm Beach, Florida.

“Credit Risk Modeling: A General Framework,”

Presented at the Washington Federal Reserve Bank, Washington D.C., 2003.

“Credit Spread Bounds and Their Implications for Credit Risk Modeling,”

Presented at the 2002 the International Conference on Credit Risk in Montreal, Canada.

Presented at the 2001 the 7-th Annual Derivatives Conference in New York, New York.

Presented at the 2001 Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Meetings in Piscataway, New Jersey.

“An Empirical-Distribution-Based Option Pricing Model: Insights Into The Volatility Smile Puzzle,”

Presented at the 2001 Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Meetings in Piscataway, New Jersey.

“Pricing Default Triggered Credit Derivatives,”

Presented at the 2000 Financial Management Association Meetings in New Orleans, Louisiana.

 Presented at the 2000 April Eastern Finance Association Meetings in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

 “Analytical Upper Bounds for American Options,”

Presented at the 1999 Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Meetings in Austin, Texas.

“An Integrated Model for the Term and Volatility Structures of Interest Rates,”

Presented at the 1997 Financial Management Association Meetings in Hawaii.

“A Universal Lattice,”

Presented at the 1996 Financial Management Association Meetings in New Orleans, Louisiana.

“Pricing MBSs with a Multi-factor Term Structure Model: What Is Wrong with the Single-factor Models?”

Presented at the 1995 Financial Management Association Meetings in New York, New York.

“Multi-factor Interest Rate Models for Mortgage-backed Securities,”

Presented at the 1995 AREURA Annual Meetings in Washington D.C.

“Valuing Bond Futures with the Quality Option,”

Presented at the 1994 American Finance Association Annual Meetings in Boston, Massachusetts.

“Interest Rate Processes in Mortgage Pricing: Relevancy and Irrelevancy,”

Presented at the 1994 AREURA Annual Meetings in Boston, Massachusetts.

“Efficiency of Mortgage Pricing Models: A Comparison between the Numerical Method and the Closed Form Model,”

Presented at the 1993 AREURA Annual Meetings in Anaheim, Califormia.

“Valuing Contingent Value Rights and Firm's Extension Decision,”

Presented at the 1992 Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in San Francisco, California.

“Implied Stock Volatility and Market Efficiency,”

Presented at the 1992 Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Tampa, Florida.

“Distribution Family of Stock Prices for Option Pricing: Review, Critique, and Empirical Study,”

Presented at the 1991 Conference for Accounting and Quantitative Finance in Buffalo, New York.

“Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Multi-Factor Equilibrium Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates,”

Presented at the 1990 American Finance Association Annual Meetings in Washington D.C.

Presented at the 1990 Southern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Savannah, Georgia.

“Closed Form Solutions For Bond Futures And Options On Bond Futures,”

Presented at the 1990 Conference for Accounting and Quantitative Finance in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Presented at the Waterloo 1989 Bond Options Conference in Waterloo, Canada.



“How Can Academics and Practitioners Work in Better Collaboration?”

Presented at 2017 Global Derivatives (November 1~3).

“Liquidity and Systemic Risk”

Presented at 2014 the twelfth Quant Congress (July 17).

“Credit Derivatives, Credit Risk Transfers, and Their Implications to the Crash of the Real Estate Bubble”

Presented at KDI 2012 the second annual conference in Seoul, Korea.

“Valuation of Liquidity Discount”

Presented at S&P 2011 Advances in Quantitative Credit Analysis.

Presented at 2011 GARP New York Charter.



Excellence paper award, UMC Business Management Thesis Award, 2017.

Gladys Henry Crown Award for Faculty Excellence, 2014.

Frequent Recipient of Rutgers Business School FASIP Award (for excellent academic performances)

Finalist of 1993, 1992, 1991 School of Business Thomas Mott Teaching Award

Best paper in investments, Southeast Financial Association, 1993.

Finalist of 1991 FMA Dissertation Contest



      Gabelli School Summer Grant      2012 – now

      Faculty of Management      1999 – 2000, 2002 – 2009

      University Research Council      1991, 1992

      NSF Supercomputer Grant      1992/1 – 1993/2

      Chicago Board of Trade      1991

Travel Grants

Global Derivatives, Chicago, 2017

FED/JFSR, Washington D.C., 2014

Bachelier Conference, Paris, 2013

FERM, Taiwan, 2010



Doctoral students advised

Chairman or Co-chairman of:

Te-Chien Lo (2012), Michael Imerman (2011)d, Durga Panda (2010), Ronald Sverdlove (2007)c, Mary Kay Scucci (2007)b, Xioalin Cheng (2006), Hsuan-Chu Lin (2006), Bo Liu (2006)a, Vadim Mezrin (2005), Da-Peng Wu (1996)a.

Committee member of:

Tzu Dai (current, Lee chairman), Keli Xiao (2013, Wu chairman), Hongyi Chen (2012, Lee chairman), Arnav Sheth (2007, Palmon chairman), Hang-Hsing Lee (2007, Lee chairman), Wei Wu (2007, Shafer chairman), Xiaoli Wang (2006, Long chairman), Paul Chiu (2004, Lee chairman), Helen (1996, Long chairman), Lili (1996, Lee chairman), Yurong Liu (1994, Lee chairman), Da-yeh Huang (1991, Lee chairman)

Committee member of (outside of finance):

Fang Chu (2009, NJIT, Nakayama chairman), Lakshminarasimhan (2005, stat, Singh chairman), Jun-ming Tsai (2004, econ, Lee chairman), Jun Liu (2004, stat, Shepp chairman)


Committee service

Executive committee, Midwest Financial Association, 2008.

FFAC committee, Fordham, 2013.

Promotion committee (Chair), Fordham, 2011 (Gautam Goswami), 2012 (Chiddi), 2013 (Steven Raymar).


Journals serviced

Guest editor of:

Journal of Banking and Finance (Liquidity Risk, Reform of Bank Regulation, and Risk Management, 2013)

Journal of Banking and Finance (Financial Innovation and Bank Regulation, 2014)

Associate editor of:

Journal of Banking and Finance, Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, Review of Derivatives Research, Taiwan Academy of Management Journal, Financial Analysis and Risk Management, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies.

Referee of:

Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Mathematical Finance, Journal of Economics and Dynamic Control, Management Science, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Futures Markets, Financial Management, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Financial Markets, Review of Derivatives Research, Financial Analyst Journal, and others.

[1] “Extracting Liquidity Risk Factors by Credit Default Swap Quotation and Corporate Bond Yield,” with Seiko Yeh and Chung-Ying Yeh, NTU Management Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2021.

[2] “Explanatory and Predictive Powers of Option Implied Risk Neutral Density: Evidence from FX Options,” with Seiko Yeh and Jeffrey Huang, Journal of Futures and Options, Vol.10, No.2, August, 2017.

[3] “Investigate the Liquidity Discount on the Assets of Taiwan’s Listed Firms”, with Shih-Kuo Yeh, Chung-Yin Yeh, Bing-Huei Lin, in Journal of Securities Markets Development, Vol.27, No.1, 2015 (forthcoming).

[4] “Valuation of Mortgage backed Securities and Value at Risk,” with Hsien-Hsing Liao, Sanlin Chung, Tyler Yang, and Kun-Yu Liao, in Journal of Financial Studies, Vol.15, No.2, 1-42, June, 2007.

[5] “Net Present Value Method in Housing Price Estimation under Stochastic Interest Rates – an empirical study of Taipei,” with Yi-Yu Chen and Hsien-Hsing Liao, Journal of the Land Bank, Vol.33, No.3, 47-66, September, 1994.

[6] “Efficiency of Mortgage backed Securities Pricing Models – Closed Form versus Non Closed Form” with Hsien-Hsing Liao and Tyler Yang, in Journal of Securities Markets Development, Vol.7, No.2, 29-46, April, 1995.

d with Dr. Sopranzetti

c with Dr. Ravid

b with Dr. Hassan

a with Dr. Lee