The New York Journal of Adult Learning seeks to publish articles that will address
the needs and interests of those involved in educating adults in the specific
areas of adult literacy, adult education, community education, continuing
education and higher education. The
ultimate goal is to improve understanding and practice of adult education
through careful consideration and reflection of timely research and
issues. The journal is intended to be a
source of adult education articles that are practical, substantial, and
scholarly. Articles may be submitted
for consideration in the following areas: refereed articles, book reviews,
issues and trends, invited research summaries and best practice. (This journal
is published twice a year - November and May.)
Articles should readily address the readership of the journal in
content, interest, and readability.
All submissions must conform to the Publications Manual of the American
Psychological Association (5th Ed.) except where modified in these guidelines. (Click here for a brief summary of citation and reference list formatting.)
Four typed copies of the manuscript should be submitted (double-spaced,
12-point font, with 1" margins at top, bottom and sides).
Four printed copies of the article should be submitted to the editor.
Articles cannot be submitted by e-mail.
Please keep an original copy, because no copies will be returned.
Tables, graphs, and figures should be kept to a minimum and must be
submitted on separate pages as camera ready.
All submissions will include a Word or RTF file on disk.
Label your disk with the following information: your
name, name of the article, computer (i.e., PC, Mac) type and file type (doc or
b. Use
Times New Roman (or similar font) 12-point type and double-space the entire
Do not insert headers, footers, or specified page
Do not use any special commands for spacing or other
formatting commands.
Do not use any special features to configure
tables within your article. Tables
should be configured using APA 5th Edition guidelines and can be
drawn using underline feature to make horizontal lines.
Figures should be placed in a separate file on
the disk and not placed in the manuscript. We recommend jpg, gif, bmp or pcx
formats for graphics, with jpg being the preferred format. The graphic file
should be in black and white or gray scale, NOT color. Please enclose a black
and white or gray scale camera-ready copy of any figure.
Evaluation of manuscripts is based upon value of the topics to the
field, clarity of purpose and theoretical and conceptual base, soundness of the
approach (e.g., research methodology, logic of analyses, etc.), strength of
conclusions, implications for practices, quality of writing and readability.
*Note: Manuscripts will be accepted for review on a continuous basis and those accepted for publication will be included in the next issue of the journal in which there is space available.
Refereed Articles:
Articles that relate to theory, research and
practice of adult education are welcomed in this journal. The purposes of this section are to improve
practice and encourage research and theory development. Refereed articles are subject to a blind
peer review process.
Book Review Guidelines:
Book reviews that pertain to the theory, research
and practice of adult education are welcomed.
The purpose of the book reviews is to provide adult educators with
insight into the literature of adult education. Book reviews are subject to a
review process that includes the journal’s book review editor and the editorial
The General Guidelines above must be followed.
Book reviews should be no more than 1,000 words in length, total.
Submissions should comply with the American Psychological Association (APA)
Publication Manual (5th ed.). (This should include 12-point font, 1”
margins and the specified format of citations and reference list).
Submissions should include a cover page with the title and publication information
of the reviewed book, author/s name, institutional affiliation, address, and
telephone, fax, email, and the signed warranty statement (See below).
Articles that relate to current issues and
trends, as well as available resources for adult education. The Issues and Trends section will provide
the readership with timely discussions of issues and developments in the field.
The Research Summaries will present brief synopses of the background, research
method, data and conclusions of a completed research project and Best Practices
articles will highlight instructional strategies and programs that are valuable
for adult educators, adult learners and adult education programs. Submissions
from this category will be subject to review by the journal’s resources editor
and the journal’s editorial staff.
The General Guidelines above must be followed.
· Submissions for Best Practices category should be no more than 1,200 words, for Issues and Trends 1,000 words and for Research Summaries 2,500 words; all word counts include charts, appendices and references.
Articles should comply with the
American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual (5th ed.). (This should include 12-point font, 1” margins and the specified format
of citations and reference list).
Submissions should include a single cover page with article title,
author/s name, institutional affiliation, address, and telephone, fax, email,
and the signed warranty statement (See below).
hereby confirm the assignment of first publication rights to the manuscript
named above in all forms to the New York Association of Continuing, Community
Education, effective if and when it is accepted for publication in
manuscript is original work and has not been accepted for publication by
another periodical. I further warrant that my work does not infringe upon
any copyright or statutory rights of others, does not contain libelous
statements, and that editorial board members, staff, and other officers of the
New York Association of Continuing, Community Education and Fordham University
are indemnified against all costs, expenses, and damages arising from any
breach of the fore going in regard to this manuscript. Finally, I
acknowledge that the New York Association of Continuing, Community Education is
relying on this statement in any publishing of the manuscript's
information.” (Signature and date)
Perspectives: The New York Journal of
Adult Learning
Dr. Kathleen King, Editor, Perspectives
Fordham University
113 W. 60 th St. Rm 1102
New York, NY 10023
For Additional Information, Contact Us by Email:
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