Journal Articles and Book Chapters/Sections
“The Effects and Extent of the Black Death of 1348: New Evidence for Clerical Mortality in Barcelona.” Mediaeval Studies 45 (1983): 385-398

“The Milanese Liturgy during the Gregorian Reform.” Scintilla 2 (1985): 29-65

“A Pontifical of Benevento (Macerata, Biblioteca Comunale ‘Mozzi-Borgetti’ 378).” Mediaeval Studies 51 (1989): 355-423; four plates

“A Fragment of a Liturgical Roll at Montecassino (Compactiones xvi).” Mediaeval Studies 52 (1990): 268-277; two plates

“Tropes and Prosulas in Dalmatian Sources of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.” In La tradizione dei tropi liturgici. Atti dei convegni sui tropi liturgici, Parigi (15-19 ottobre 1985), Perugia (2-5 settembre 1987), organizzati dal Corpus troporum sotto l’egida dell’European Science Foundation. Ed. Claudio Leonardi and Enrico Menestò. Spoleto: Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo, 1990. Pp. 409-438

“The Pontificals of Monte Cassino.” In L’età dell’Abate Desiderio. Vol. 3.1: Storia, arte e cultura. Atti del iv Convegno di studi sul medioevo meridionale, Montecassino e Cassino 4-8 ottobre 1987. Ed. Faustino Avagliano and Oronzo Pecere. Miscellanea cassinese 67. Montecassino, 1992. Pp. 413-439

“Innovation, Adaptation and Preservation: The Genealogies of Christ in the Liturgy of Medieval Dalmatia.” In Zagreb 1094-1994: Zagreb and Croatian Lands as a Bridge between Central-European and Mediterranean Musical Cultures. Proceedings of the International Musicological symposium held in Zagreb, Croatia, 28 September-1 October 1994. Ed. Stanislav Tuksar. Zagreb: Croatian Musicological Society – Croatian Academy of Sciences Arts (HAZU), 1998. Pp. 35-55

“Messale (frammento della Messa di s. Scolastica).” In I Fiori e’ Frutti santi: S. Benedetto, la Regola, la santità nelle testimonianze dei manoscritti cassinesi. Ed. Mariano Dell'Omo. Montecassino: Abbazia di Montecassino, and Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, 1998. Pp. 153-154 (one plate)

“Du rite bénéventain à l’usage de Bénévent.” In La cathédrale de Bénévent. Ed. Thomas Forrest Kelly. Ghent: Ludion, 1999. Pp. 67-97

“Les bibliothèques du chapitre et de l’archevêque.” In La cathédrale de Bénévent. Ed. Thomas Forrest Kelly. Ghent: Ludion, 1999. Pp. 133-147 and 207-219 (Appendices)

“From Beneventan to Gregorian Chant in Medieval Dalmatia.” In Medieval Musical Cultures on the Eastern and Western Shores of the Adriatic until the Beginning of the 15th Century. Proceedings of the International Musicological Symposium held in Split, Croatia, May 21-24, 1997. Ed. Stanislav Tuksar. Zagreb: Hrvatsko Muzikološko Društvo, 2000. Pp. 39-53

“The Dalmatian Martyrs: Legend and History in Thirteenth-Century Dubrovnik.” In Religion, Text, and Society in Medieval Spain and Northern Europe: Essays in honor of J. N. Hillgarth. Ed. Thomas E. Burman, Mark D. Meyerson, and Leah Shopkow. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2002. Pp. 200-222

“Introduction.” In Medieval Cultures in Contact. Ed. Richard F. Gyug. Fordham Essays in Medieval Studies 1. New York: Fordham University Press, 2003. Pp. vii-xxi

“The Church of Dubrovnik (Ragusa) and the Panniculus of Christ: Relics between East and West (and Men and Women) in Medieval Dalmatia.” In Medieval Cultures in Contact. Ed. Richard F. Gyug. Fordham Essays in Medieval Studies 1. New York: Fordham University Press, 2003. Pp. 59-84

“Introducton: Ritual.” In Ritual, Text and Law: Studies in Medieval Canon Law and Liturgy presented to Roger E. Reynolds. Ed. Kathleen G. Cushing and Richard F. Gyug. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004. Pp. 3-10

“The List of Authorities in the Illustrations of the Collection in Five Books (MS Vat. lat. 1339).” In Ritual, Text and Law: Studies in Medieval Canon Law and Liturgy presented to Roger E. Reynolds. Ed. Kathleen G. Cushing and Richard F. Gyug. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004. Pp. 241-254

“From Beneventan to Gothic: Continuity and Change in southern Italian Liturgical Ceremonies.” In Classica et Beneventana: Essays presented to Virginia Brown on the occasion of her 65th Birthday. Ed. Frank T. Coulson. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007.