Nic. Ethics
Book 1.i


Jeff Flynn (left), Brian Johnson (center), Dan Mai (right)

I am an associate professor of Philosophy at Fordham University. Depending on what brought you here, I may or may not be the Brian Johnson you are looking for. With a name like mine, I have many doppelgangers. I am not the Brian Johnson who was lead singer for AC/DC. I am not the Brian Johnson who is a self-styled philosopher and self-help guru. Instead, I am one of the many academic Brian Johnsons. I specialize in ancient Greek and Roman ethics and I can be distinguished by the middle name of "Earl."

I keep a relatively low profile on "the interweb", but I appear in a few places:


  • Ph.D. in Philosophy, The University of Chicago
  • B.A. with honors in History, The University of Illinois at Chicago

Philosophic Interests

I specialize in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy with a particular interest in Aristotle's ethics as well as Stoic ethics. I am also interested in Medieval Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy, Applied Ethics (Business Ethics), and Literature.

Curriculum Vitae

A copy of my CV may be downloaded here: Johnson CV

Contact Information

I can be reached in the following places:

E-Mail address: brjohnson(.at.)
  The above e-mail is the best way to reach me; simply replace (.at.) with @
Office Phone Number: 212-636-6394
Office: Lowenstein Building (LL), Room 921F
Philosophy Department Fax Number: 212-636-7153

Mailing Address:
c/o Department of Philosophy
Lowenstein Building, Room 916
Fordham University at the Lincoln Center
113 West 60th Street
New York, NY 10023