. Title
i. The Society shall be called the Nietzsche Society

2. Aim
The aim of the Nietzsche Society shall be:
i. To promote the study of Nietzsche's philosophy, with special consideration to continental perspectives representing contemporary European and American scholarship through events and publications.
ii. To provide a forum for interested scholars to discuss issues in and around Nietzsche's philosophy is exclusively educational, literary, and scientific within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding section of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
iii. To provide support for scholars of Nietzsche's philosophy when and where appropriate.
iv. To represent the interest of members of the Nietzsche Society and of the study of Nietzsche's philosophy within professional organizations such as the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy and other like societies and institutions.

3. Membership
Membership is open to:
i. Any person interested in the activities of the Nietzsche Society.
Membership is charged at an annual fee.

4. Office Bearers
i. The officer of the Society shall be an Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary of the Nietzsche Society shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Nietzsche Society. The period of office begins at the moment of election and continues until the election of a new post-holder.
ii. Nominations for all posts must be received by the both Executive Secretary and Executive Committee at least six months prior to the Annual Meeting of the Nietzsche Society.
In the event of there being more than one nomination the Executive Committee of the Society will organize an election at the Annual Meeting.

5. Executive Committee
i. The standing committees of the Society shall include an Executive Program Committee. The officers of the Society in addition to the Executive Secretary include at large Executive Program Committee members. The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by an Executive Committee of 3 members, including the above office bearer, who shall act ex officio solely in an advisory fashion to assist the decisions and actions of the Executive Committee. The Members of the Executive Committee serve three years in an overlapping sequence, with an election for a new member of the committee yearly. Alternatively the Executive Secretary may co-opt additional numbers from time to time.

6. Finance
i. The Nietzsche Society is financed by membership fees, university and other grants, fund raising and donations. The Executive Secretary collects dues and acts as treasurer of the Society. All the money belonging to the Nietzsche Society shall only be used to support the publication of the society journal, New Nietzsche Studies, and in pursuance of the aims stated above.

7. Constitution
i. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed only by the Exdcutive Committee or by a petition signed by at least fifteen membes of the Society. Proposals to amend or add to these By-Laws must be announced to the members of the Society at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting at which the proposed amendments will be discussed. Amendments may be passed by a two-thirds majority of a formally constituted Annual Meeting of the Nietzsche Society.

8. Standing Orders
Regular meetings of the Nietzsche Society, which shall include any business meeting of active individual members shall be held yearly. Traditionally such meetings have been held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy in the fall of each year.
ii. Special business meetings may be called by a majority vote of the active individual members present and voting at any regular meeting or by the Executive Secretary.
iii. Notice of any change of time or place of any regular meeting and notice of all special meetings shall be given by mail, telephone, or other reasonable means at least one month in advance of such meeting to all individual members of the Society. Notice of special meetings shall include a statement of the general purposes of the meeting, but any membership business otherwise valid may be transacted at the meeting.
