Fordham University            The Jesuit University of New York

Robin Andersen

B.A. University of California, San Diego
M.A., Ph.D. University of California, Irvine

Professor of Communication and Media Studies
Director of Graduate Studies
Director of Peace and Justice Studies

441 E. Fordham Rd
FMH 436
Bronx, NY 10458
718.817 4850


email: | Curriculum Vita

Robin Andersen, Ph.D., is Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University. She also directs the Peace and Justice Studies Program. Her book, A Century of Media: A Century of War by Peter Lang Publishing in 2006, won the Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award for 2007. She is the author of dozens of book chapters and journal articles, and writes media criticism for a variety of publications. Her current research explores the implications of merging news and information with entertainment and fiction in media representations of war, including war-themed video games.Her article, “From America’s Army to Call of Duty: Doing Battle with the Military Entertainment Complex,” Robin Andersen and Marin Kurti, is published in Democratic Communique Volume 23, Issue 1 - Spring 2009. Her latest article, “Media Literacy, Sustainability and Citizenship,” is published in State of the World 2010, by the World Watch Institute. Her other books include Consumer Culture and TV Programmingby Westview Press, and she co-edited the Oxford University Press anthology Critical Studies in Media Commercialism. She co-edited Battleground: The Media, a reference set in 2 Volumes for Greenwood Publishing in 2008.

Primary Research Interests:


Eco-Tourism on WFUV: Robin Andersen does work on vacation – or she vacations at work. Such is the plight of a researcher focused on wildlife eco-tourism. This Saturday, Andersen explains how eco-tourism can turn holiday vacationers into lifelong environmentalists.

War and Video Games

Media Criticism
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) EXTRA!
Center for Media and Democracy PRWATCH

Courses Taught:
Undergraduate courses:
                History and Culture of Advertising
                Gender Images in Media
               Peace, Justice and the Media
               Environment and the Media
               Media Analysis and Criticism
               Advertising Critiques
               Political Communication            


Battleground: The Media, Vols. 1&2. Robin Andersen and Jonathan Gray, editors. Westport, CT: Praeger. 2008. Entries: Advertising & Persuasion, Hypercommercialism, Presidential Stagecraft and Militainment.

A Century of Media, A Century of War.  New York: Peter Lang USA (2006)
Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award 2007

Critical Studies in Media Commercialism Robin Andersen and Lance Strate (eds) London: Oxford University Press. (2000)

Consumer Culture and TV Programming. Westview Press: Boulder, Colorado. (1995)

Articles on Advertising and Consumer Culture: Advertising and the Environment, Gender & Advertising